whether you think you can or you can't, both ways you are right!

Its time to say Good Bye, Sikki!!!!!!!!!

| Thursday, June 21, 2007

When CP, Ritu and myself moved into our current house almost a year back, never had we thought we would find such a “?#$*&” partner in Mr. Sikandar Mashayak. I have consciously put an encrypted epithet in the previous line bcoz thats what characterizes him. He is a fully encrypted man top to bottom, right to left. Its impossible to decipher him, to describe him in two or three words….he can be amicable and apathetic at the same time, he can be happy and sad at the same time. However ironical it sounds, but that’s what I have realized in the eight months that we have been together in “real” sense. He is a intermingled bundle of yarn which needs to unwindled with utmost care. These last eight months have been emphatically great in true sense because Sikki has been the most vibrant amongst all of us. Be it treating all of us outside or having a byte @ Corner House or dragging us all for juice in the night or his favorite ‘HIT’ting the kitchen.

I have thoroughly enjoyed his company in all these months. Because it had become a ritual for both of us waking up early on the weekends and binging on the mouth watering masala vadas and puri-bhaji in the vicinity of our house. He had been my partner to Food World for getting the groceries or the HITLER who made me accompanying him to his favorite KFC( had to watch him eating as I am an eggetarian) or munching cornflakes and omlette in the morning. And add to that his “spicy” stories which myself and CP had become addicted to!!!! And to top it all, the night rides on the relatively lesser densed Outer Ring Road….that was the most soothing experience.

But apart from all these, what we will miss the most is ‘Sikkisms’. Most of these I cant put up here ;) but “Don’t expect anything from anyone”, “Destroy your potential for authentic creativity” (whatever that means!) and the world famous by now “FTA”. However clichéd they became in the last few months but still they have their own charm.

Hope u have a great time @ Purdue. We will miss you BIGGGGGGGGGGGG time. I surely did miss you when I was toddling along alone in Food World last week!!!!

See you when I see you!!!!!!!!

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