whether you think you can or you can't, both ways you are right!

Comedy Circus - Placements!!!!!

| Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It has been long since I wrote my last piece. A lot has changed since then. Lot of realizations. Lot of anxieties. Lot of heartbreak. Lot of sympathy. But in the end, as some people say, may be it is all written! A new enthusiasm. A new hope. A new dream.
The placement season has begun and I don’t think any of my batchmates would have ever thought it would turn out this way. But fine, jaisa bhi hain……..one has to live with it. I had decided I won’t play cricket (on ground) or write a blog till I get a job. And once I am through I would let my anger/frustration out. But somehow it’s all gone now. Probably lost somewhere in the daily humdrum of wearing a suit, showcasing of how this is the only job I wanted and I am the only person created for this job and then come back only to get ready for a very similar next day.
However hard I try, there will always be a bias in my writing which I suppose should be allowed, after all its my writing, my blog and I am writing to let the world know my thoughts. So pardon me if all this sounds as pure frustration and arrogance because I couldn’t sell myself in the best way possible.
I am really worried about the companies….some of the most reputed companies not only in India but in the world. Randomly weird short lists, horrible interview techniques and bizarre way of handling students. I really have no complaints with the students selected by these companies; in fact I am happy for them. But I feel sorry for those who couldn’t make it – for no fault of theirs. You can’t hold someone’s strengths against him. And add to that a few companies who even dared to walk off – even on offering the best students in the institute. I know we are not the BEST…..but no one can argue on the quality of students in the top 10% of the best institutes in the country. And if one hears the feedback of these idiots (if the sources are to be believed), one can only chuckle. We only wanted a CA for this finance role. Bastards, didn’t you know before interviewing or shortlisting that the particular student is just a BE/MBA and not a CA. What were you thinking and why the hell did you keep them waiting for weeks together – add to that the hell day-long process that you made the students go through!!!!!
Then there is this problem of OVER QUALIFICATION. I personally feel that this is bull shit. First of all, if a student is applying to your company, either don’t shortlist him or if you shortlist him, treat him well. Give him a fair chance. People argue that they feel you would leave their organization once the markets are good. But then, isn’t attrition a global problem. Even when the markets were good for say last 7-8 years, wasn’t attrition the highest anyways. Aren’t you yourself convinced about your capability to hold on to a good candidate? For, if he is good, you will do anything to make him stay, and if he is bad, you are lucky, either you throw him or let him leave. And above all, if your organization isn’t the best yet, and just in case you want to take it to the higher league ( I seriously doubt that now), don’t you think you require people like these who have the ability to actually change the situation, take up the gauntlet and bring stability and prosperity with sustainability to your organization.
The funny part about the interview – the HR questions. Tell me something about yourself is a valid question. Tell me something which is not on your CV is even better. But questions like Why do you want to join our firm, Why MBA, Why finance, Why this industry – all CRAP. What can you gauge from all these? Communication skills? Confidence? Thinking? Can’t these be gauged from normal interview questions too? Funnier are the situational questions - Tell me a situation when you scratched your head. Tell me a situation when you sneezed. Tell me a situation when you laughed! I am 2000000% sure most of us would have bluffed to some extent. Some of us might now even have had faced such situations. I have given in excess of 10 interviews and I doubt if I was even asked more than 10 technical questions in all. Isn’t that ridiculous…..given the market situation?
The Interview process – Group Discussion! Man…..this part of the process has become sacrosanct. Haven’t the companies yet realized that they lose out on good talent just because they get eliminated in GD. I appreciate the importance of GD, when the profile demands skill set that can be evaluated only through a GD, but come on, for any and every role, why a GD? Add to that, the topics…..guys atleast give topics which are relevant and make sense. And above all, how do you shortlist people from a GD. Ridiculous stuff…..people who only talk shit, in all probability get through. What annoys is the fact if a student can understand that the other student is only farting out, can’t you understand that? After all, you are supposed to be the one with a halo of exposure and experience!!!! Last year, jobs were like credit – all in excess but talent was like investment opportunities – good but limited. So as credit was disbursed to invest in hopeless opportunities, jobs were given to students without gauging technical credibility. But I strongly believe atleast in such a scenario, you should atleast test the technical knowledge and not repeat the same mistake!!!!
I never thought this way….but today I strongly believe HR is one of the greatest liability for a company. HR is good when it does what it should do. Look after the well being of the company and of the employees - and the other traditional functions. Don’t poke your nose in selection/elimination. How the hell can you judge a person for the knowledge you never had. This is the reason I feel many of these fancy companies are in for a BUST! Most of the questions I have written above will be asked by some useless HR – that is it. I have done my summer internship primarily in HR Consulting, and I understand HR has some great responsibilities to handle as a business partner. But I am strongly against something like this which can go against the company in the long run!
It’s funny to hear about the interviewer’s comments/queries – “All the best!” “I love your simplicity. Stay like this!” ”Strong profile!” ”Tell me how serious you are about joining my company?” Each of these have become point of discussion for us post the interview. Generally these end up as the last interaction with the interviewer and the company atleast for this placement season for you!!!!!
May be it is time to believe that SELECTION is just plain luck. May be it is pure luck. But luck only favors the brave, isn’t it? Who is brave here? And who decides that! For I would surely love to be BRAVE someday!!!
By the way, watch Rock On if you haven’t. A better movie given the kind of movies coming up.


Pallavi Utagi said...

all those reaction options of yours did not have one - real and frustrating.

well, a post so so true. all the while this very same doubt bogged me as to if this is how a company selects ppl, am wondering what lies in their future.

every reject made me say to myself, "if they are so stupid, i would not want to work wid them anyways." it was not true. i did want. atleast at that very moment. maybe in the future i wud have hated it. but then, at that instant, it is all u want... m amazed how quickly i could move from wanting one type of job desperately to nother, totally different job, even more desperately!!

but at the same time i remember wat a senior had said, usually the work that is available is 90% routine and 10% brain work. so they dont need gud ppl but ppl who will be loyal.

so i like to believe that, eases suffering :)

ppl say lack of knowledge is to be blamed at times. i wish they knew wat they are saying. if the HR never moved beyond y a particular sector, what technical knowledge will ever be asked?
and how will an HR person gauge it?

anyways, i guess it is not just pure luck, but a little of everything, and of this everything, how big a part ability forms is something that i am trying to find...

Samyak said...

Dude, I totally love this post.

And yes, it is pure luck!!! Nothing but luck.

The luck part is that you end up doing and saying the right things at the right place at the right time, or that your CV is not overlooked.