whether you think you can or you can't, both ways you are right!

Is it really so difficult understanding others?

| Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This isn’t something I am writing to boast of myself or my experiences. But this is mere out of experience….. I am sure most of us have experienced this…..may be many of us have realized it…Its saddening me time and again and so thought of penning it down…Hoping if someone could relate to it, could make me feel better!

People (everyone except family and probably just a very very very miniscule % of your friends) tend to forget a lot. They tend to forget especially the good, better and the best things. And the same people tend to remember a lot. They tend to remember especially one act of yours which they perceive is wrong. This one act, however innocuous from your point of view, outweighs all your relations, all your caring, all your love, all your great moments, all your fun-filled moments.

These are the same people for whom you did everything possible….in your own small way. Just yesterday, they seemed to understand us so well….and just in a matter of 24 hours, the understanding has gone for a toss. It bewilders me to understand what suddenly transpires in their minds that they just shut off their heart and mind to avoid understanding the circumstances…the limitations…the thought process behind a particular action of ours that has prompted them to change so much. Why can’t a simple rationale work for them that if one has done something, there should be a valid reason for the same and atleast give a chance to explain things.

One would argue, if they are really our true friends, either they would understand soon, or may be its our responsibility to explain them and get the misunderstanding cleared. But I am so fed up of doing this, why do its always me who has to take the first step with everyone. Why do its always me who has to think a thousand times for others….while others just walk all over me and my feelings!!!!!!!!

I don’t mean I am always right. But chances are less that I am always wrong.

Probably that’s human nature. We tend to forget what we should not and we tend to remember what we should overlook! I am trying to develop this art of forgetting the wrong things and only remembering the right ones…….


Nikhilesh said...

i think we should stop understanding others. because its not just damn hard but in fact impossible. people do what they have to do ..... or say. there are times when reason doesnt work and its impossible for you to know the reason. probably we have to give up the urge to know.
but at the same time, i guess, what matters most to you must always be done and said - it always pays to be selfish :)

Pallavi Utagi said...
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Pallavi Utagi said...

u can feel better..
coz lots of ppl will relate to it.
but honestly if u cud undrstnd ppl by sme simple rationale, it really wud hav gotten boring ( i know u wud say - this is also stupid and so unreasonable ) ..
but njoy the differences, u be urself, ppl will b themselves,
if its too tuff for u, forget it, THEY THEY AINT WORTH IT!
and if they r worth it, then try understanding them rather than focusing on 'y cant they understand ur oh-so-rational mind...'
all i will say is,
every action doesnt hav a set rational and solid reasoning..

Anonymous said...

My only concern was such ppl just dont think twice before taking a decision tat cud cause cause and heart breaks for many others surrounding them.....i dont want them to be intellectually rational...i want them to be atleast emotionally rational..this is something which has to be inherent in them...otherwise they wudnt have so many ppl around them!!!!

Amit said...

i completely agree with saurabh, there have been these short and sometimes very long events in my life, where ppl have become insensitive to the situation in which i was.Later on even they may realize they did wrong, but by then the damage has been done and sometimes the damages are so traumatic that you hardly get out of them.

I have experienced that time does heal, but the pain still remains in some corner.

Amit said...
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Amit said...

Glad i discovered you write blogs. :-)